vineri, 27 decembrie 2013

Over the knee

  Hello my dears, I hope you all had a magical Christmas full of joy and happiness. We spent Christmas with our families and our dear friends. We also had a very warm weather for this time of the year, the temperature outside was over 11 C degrees. How did you spend Christmas?
I intended to upload these photos that I took last week, but I did not have a great internet connection and gave it up. So, my outfit consisted of a simple leather look skirt, over the knee boots, a plaid shirt and a black cardigan.
I was wearing: Blanco cardigan, H&M shirt, River Island boots, Zara belt, Benvenuti clutch bag and opshop sunnies.
Kisses :*

  Buna dragii mei, sper ca ati avut parte de un Craciun magic plin de bucurie si fericire. Noi, am petrecut sarbatorile inconjurati de familie si prieteni dragi noua. Am avut parte si de un timp frumos si foarte cald pentru aceasta perioada din an, cu temperaturi ce au trecut usor de 11 grade C. Voi cum ati petrecut sarbatorile?
Am vrut sa postez aceste fotografii, pe care le-am facut saptamana trecuta, dar am avut o conexiune la internet foarte proasta si am renuntat. Tinuta mea din aceasta postare e compusa din: o fusta cu efect de piele, o camasa in carouri, cizme peste genunchi si un cardigan pufos.
Pupici :*

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