luni, 30 decembrie 2013

Nude and black for today

  Hello guys, I am enjoying  high temperatures for this time of the year and I can easily wear a shirt and a coat and I don't have to freeze .The snow almost melt out and the city looks clean again. I honestly hate winter and I hate that time when the snow is melting.
Nude and black were the star colors for today's outfit. I wore a pair of leather look leggins, a black shirt. a nude coat and heels. I accessorized the look with a golden belt and red lipstick.
I was wearing: custom made coat, H&M pants, Bershka shirt, Zara heels and belt, Topshop sunnies and Sammydress bag.
Kisses :*

  Buna dragilor, ma bucur de un timp miunat de calduros pentru aceasta perioada din an, pot purta cu usurinta o camasa si un palton  fara a fi nevoita sa inghet de frig. Zapada s-a topit aproape in totalitate si orasul arata din nou curat. Urasc iarna si mai mult momentul in care se topeste zapada.
Negru si nude au fost vedetele tinutei de azi. Am purtat o pereche de pantaloni din imitatie de piele cu o camasa neagra. palton si pantofi nude. Ca accesorii am folosit o curea metalica si bineinteles un ruj rosu.
Pupici :*

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