duminică, 29 noiembrie 2015
My favorites
Good evening my friends, how are you? I just paid a quick visit to a nearby ski resort with my family and you can imagine my little Evelyn's reaction, she loved it very much.
I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites this winter and I could't help myself not to mention my all time favorite boots, Hunter, they come in a great variety of colors and you can shop your favorite too and also enjoy until 25 % of your entire purchase.
Buna dragii mei, azi am facut pe partie intro scurta vizita cu familia, va puteti imagina reactia fetitei mele cand a vazut zapada, a fost o bucurie imensa pentru ea.
Cat despre postarea din aceasta seara e una legata de incaltamintea mea preferata cand vine vorba de sezonul rece si umed si anume cizmele Hunter. Puteti si voi sa va alegeti favoritele, deoarece vin pe mai multe culori si sa beneficiati de un discount de pana la 25 % in functie de valoare cheltuita.
Cu drag,
vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015
Daily wear
CLICK AICI PENTRU A VEDEA CE PORT: JACKET here (on sale),TOP here ,JEANS here (on sale) ,BOOTIES here ,BAG here ,HAT here ,SCARF here
What a long weekend we have, 5 days off and it sounds great. But I promise I won't miss blogging that much. Today I want to show you a daily wear ensemble, my newest eco leather jacket that fits and looks great. I wore it in a simple ensemble, such as a pair of black jeans and a striped sweater I bought on sale. To add a pop of color to my outfit I used a tartan scarf that, you can shop it here.
Ne asteapta un weekend prelungit, un total de 5 zile libere, dar nu voi incerca sa nu lipsesc de pe blogosfera atat de mult. Azi port o geaca din piele ecologica, cu un croi care arata minunat imbracat. Am purtat de asemenea o pereche de jeans negri, botine di un pulover cu dungi pe care l-am gasit redus aici. Pentu un strop de culoare am apelat la o esarfa in carouri care o gasiti aici.
Cu drag,
joi, 26 noiembrie 2015
Idei de cadouri
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Hello beauties, how are you? Did you check the presents for Christmas on your shopping list yet? If not, I may help you out with a few ideas, what do you say? I selected for you some presents idea for her, him or for house. Click on the numbers below images to get to your favorites.
And one more thing, don't forget to use GOBIG15 code at check out for an extra sale at check out.
Buna dragelor, v-ati facut lista sau cuparaturile pentru Craciun? Daca nu, va ajut eu cu catvea idei de cadouri atat pentru el, cat si pentru ea sau de ce nu pentru casa. Si ca sa inchei cu o veste si mai buna , nu uitati sa introduceti codul GOBIG15 la check out pentru o reducere suplimentara.
Click pe numerele de sub poze pentru a ajunge la proodusele dorite.
Cu drag,

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marți, 24 noiembrie 2015
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My favorite online shop, Shopbop has launched it's biggest sale of the year, this includes all full prices and sale items and all the items. Buy more, save more by using GOBIG15 at check out and here are he discounts:
15% for orders over 200$
20% for orders over 500$
25% for orders over 1000$
I already set my eyes on a Zac Posen Eartha bag, but I am dealing with a great dilema, what color to choose. black or burgundy?
The events takes place starting November 24 and lasts until November 30, please see brand exclusions here.
Enjoy your shopping ladies!
Magazinul meu prferat, Shopbop vine cu cele mai mari reduceri din an, folositi codul GOBIG15 lafinalul comenzii, iar cu cat cheltuiti ma mult cu atat reducerea creste si anume:
15% pentru comenzi peste 200$
20% pentru comenzi peste 500$
25% pentru comenzi peste 1000$
Eu ma confrunt cu o mre dilema, mi-am pus ochii pe o geanta Zac Posen si nu stiu daca sa o aleg pe cea neagra sau visini, poate ma ajutati voi cu un sfat sa ma decid mai usor, aici aveti link-ul spre ele.
Spor la shopping!
Cu drag,
duminică, 22 noiembrie 2015
Orange accents
TOP here , JEANS here , HEELS here , BAG here
Happy Sunday my dear friends, what an rainy weather we have these days, lucky for me that I could take some snap over the week to show you this beautiful and cozy sweater I bought recently. I love matching blue with orange and today I ore the blue sweater with a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans, blue bag and orange heels.
O duminica superba in continuare va doresc, am avut parte de un weekend tare ploios, nororcul meu ca am reusit sa srurpind cateva instantanee cu acest pulover saptamana care s-a incheiat. Imi place mult sa port albastru in combinatie cu portocaliu, iar acum a fost ocazia perfecta. O pereche de jeans rupti, genata si pulover albastru si tocurile orange de la Lavine.
Cu drag,
vineri, 20 noiembrie 2015
Black Friday
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Happy weekend my friends, it's time for some shopping, I found some great sales up to 80% while surfing the internet and I wanted to share it with you. When at check out a special discount is offered using the BLACK15 code.
Enjoy your shopping!
Un weekend minunat va doresc si va aduc vesti bune, a inceput "operatiunea" Black Friday si numeroase magazine online vin cu reduceri de pana la 80% si la finalul cumparaturilor o reducere suplimentare de inca 15% prin codul Black15.
Spor la cumparaturi!
Cu drag,
joi, 19 noiembrie 2015
Military green
COAT here , TOP here , PANTS here , BOOTS here (on sale) , BAG here , SUNNIES here
Hope your weekend is going great so far, a quick update to my latest outfit post. Addicted to coats lately, my collection is growing up fast and today I show you this military green coat that I paired with a total black ensemble, leather pants, black turtleneck and my mini affair black bag from Rebecca Minkoff.
O saptamana minunata in continuare va doresc si va intampin azi cu o tinuta noua. Stiti probabil de pasiunea mea pentru paltoane, car incepe sa creasca, iar azi va prezint paltonul verde cu influete militare. Eu l-am purtat la o tinuta total neagra compusa din pantaloni din piele, o maleta neagra si geanta mini affair de la Rebecca Minkoff.
Cu drag,
miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2015
My perfect living room
Hello loves as you may now from my previous posts we are working on our new house and I decided to share with you some of my home decor ideas and maybe you can also help me out with some advice, shops or whatever it may be useful.
Today I will talk about the perfect living room area that I dream of. I intend to use war colors such as beige, light green or a light grey. The furniture must be white and I will use some colorful accessories.
Below are some inspiring images I found over the internet.
Buna dragilor, am sa incerc sa postez cel putin o data pe saptamana si idei siimagini despre decoratiuni interioare Dupa cum bine stiti din postarile anterioare, lucram la noua casuta si suntem la faza de finisaje interioare. Va propun cateva idei care ma inspira mult, cel putin din punct de vedre cromatic sau al mobilierului si decoratiunilor folosite.
Azi vorbim despre camera de zi, eu o visez in culori calde de bej sau cafea cu lapte, un parchet clasic in culoarea lemnului si mobilier alb. Ca sa ies putin din monotonia de bej cu alb ma gandesc sa abordez niste accesorii colorate.
Va las cateva imagini din care imi gasesc sursa de inspiratie si astept sfaturi, idei si cat mai multe surse de inspiratie pe care le-ati folosit si voi.
Cu drag,
marți, 17 noiembrie 2015
Striped coat
COAT here , SHIRT similar , JEANS here , HEELS similar ,BAG here
Hello loves, don't know how you feel but I love stripe since forever and imagine this striped coat was love at first sight. I kept the monochrome, using a pair of flared black jeans, white shirt, added a red spot by the heels and finished up with a red lipstick.
Buna dragilor, nu stiu cum vi se par voua, dar eu ador tot ce are dungi, de la topuri la fuste, pantaloni sau in acest caz paltoane. A fost dragoste la prima vedere pentru acest paltonas in dungi. Am pastrat liniile de alb si negru in tinuta de azi si anume o pereche de jeans evazati negri, camasa alba u fundita neagra si am adaugat o pata de culoare prin pantofi si rosul de pe buze.
Cu drag,
luni, 16 noiembrie 2015
Culori de toamna
CAPE here , TOP here , PANTS here , HEELS here , SUNNIES here
A fabulous week my friends, sun is shining today, although the past weekend was a rainy one, today we enjoy a beautiful autumn day.
Today's outfit started with the this season's nature colors, such as brick red, like this shirt and pants I am wearing today and a beautiful dark blue cape that finishes up my look. I love this cape so much that I am pretty sure you will see it a lot on the blog in my future posts.
O saptamana insorita va doresc, la fel cum a inceput si la Baia Mare, cu toate ca acest sfarsit de saptamana a fost unul ccetos si ploios, azi se arata si la noi soarele.
Imi place la nebunie covorul frunzelor ce imbraca trotuarele, tinuta de azi a pornit de la culori de tomna, care imi vin mie in gand: ruginiu, caramiziu ,aramiu, auriu. Ei bine, azi port o bluza si un pantalon ambele caramizii, pantofi cu imprimeu. Initiam m-am gandit la un palton verde, dar mi-a placut mult acest sacou capa indigo care arata minunat in acest decor, iar la cat de mult imi place cu siguranta va mai aparea pe blog si in alte tinute.
Cu drag,
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