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Hello my dear friends, yesterday I was running errands, it took me two hours to decide about the model of the furniture I will be having in kitchen and still didn't come to any conclusion. It will be white for sure with silver details. Lat week the sink arrived at my door and I didn't open the package until yesterday and I was more then shocked to see that my beautiful sink was broken, lovely isn't it? I bought it from Ikea and after that I phoned them up and had a replacement immediately, hoping I will get it intact this time.
I chose a classic style and warm shades on the wall. I finally bought the sofa, not a beige one as I planned, I got it in dark blue, but it looks really lovely.
For those of you who are planning on redecorating or building a house I will help you up with advice anytime.
I have made a selection of some stuff I bought and links to the shops where you can find them.
Buna dragilor, ieri am avut o zi plina am umblat din magazin in magazin si din depozit in depozit, am configurat mobila pentru bucatarie si tot nu am ajuns la un rezultat final. Stiu doar ca va fi modelul clasic, alb cu blat din marmura, mai am timp de modificare pana joi :). Intre timp mi-a sosit si canapeaua pentru living, cu toate ca ma gandisem initial ca o vreau bej si ca orice ar fi nu ma las influentata de nicio oferta, uite ca nu mi-am tinut promisiunea. Am gasit un model frumos, pe albastru royal la lichidare de stoc, va atasez si cateva imagini cu aceasta culoare, care mi se pare foarte versatila si merge bine cu bejul care imi era in plan. Am optat pentru mobila alb-crem in stil clasic si pentru decorul peretilor cu boiserie.
Asteptam acum sa soseasca si gresia si faianta pentru baie, va spun sincer ca baia ma costa mai mult decat restul camerelor din casa. Am ales o gresie octogon alb cu detalii negre pe care am gasit-o foarte greu si doar pe baza de comanda, sa speram ca merita efortul si asteptarea :).
Intre timp mi-a sosit si chiuveta de bucatarie, dar spre ghinionul meu a venit sparta, se pare ca se lucreaza cu mare interes la livrarea produselor fragile de catre companiile de curierat, dar cei de la Ikea si-au asumat toata eroarea si mi-au inlocuit produsul, sa speram ca de aceasta data il primesc intact.
Daca aveti nevoie de sfaturi pentru redecorare va stau cu ajut cu mare drag si va las si link spre magazinele de unde am cumparat si eu.
Cu drag,
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Lovely sofas :) Bonjour from FRANCE, Sand.