Hello beauties, wish you a great week! I intend write a review for Lioele Dollish Cera-V CC since I first bought it, but due to my super busy agenda I postponed it several times. So what is Lioele? It is a Korean cosmetic company that has different cosmetic products. I bumped into Dollish Ceva-V CC by mistake and I am so glad I did it, because it is amazing. It has a super light formula that works great instead of a foundation and the best part is that it is very moisturizing. The moment you apply it on your face it will change the color in a similar one that your skin has. It highlights the dark circles and makes your kin look brighter and soft.
In the first photo I have applied it on my hand and in the second one I used it during my make up along with a blush.
O saptamana minunata va doresc, intentionez de mai bine de o luna deja sa va spun parerea mea in legatura cu crema Dolish Cera-V CC de la Lioele. Sa va spun sincer am fost putin sceptica si eu la inceput, dar m-am documentat putin despre ea. Este o crema care tine locul unui fond de ten, doar ca e mult mai hidratanta si ce imi place mie foarte mult la ea e ca imi lumineaza zonele intunecate de sub ochi si nu mai e nevoie nici macar de un anticearcan. Are o textura foarte fina si e nevoie de o cantitate mica la aplicare, care ia culoarea tenului in momentul in care intra in contact cu el.
In prima poza e aplicata pe mana, iar in cea de-a doua am folosit-o in machiaj, la care am mai adaugat si un blush roz.
Cu drag,

si eu o folosesc <3
RăspundețiȘtergereo ador. pana la ea, nu puteam folosi fond de ten c-am un ten ciudatel si am si pielea foarte alba :)