luni, 18 iulie 2016
Colectia mea de genti
Happy Monday, hope you all charged your batteries during this weekend and now you are ready for a new week, because I sure did.
I want to share with you a part of my bags collection although I am dealing with an unfinished dressing :). You may already saw I am super addicted to shoes and bags. As many as I buy I still believe it is not enough.
To tell you a few words about the brands I love most. I discovered Rebecca Minkoff a few years ago and I have 5 items signed by her. I love their quality and the design that has to be useful not only beautiful and the black mini quilted one I wear almost every day. As for my first bag from Michael Kors, well, I can't say I am super thrilled with it, I don't speak about quality, I mean about the design that it was not very creative and I don't wear it often as it is not useful at all because of it's large opening.
The one from Zac Posen has a great quality and it is very large, but I always wear it with a small bag inside or a large wallet to be more easy to find the things I need.
I also have a few bags from Jessica Buurman, all made from real leather and a great quality as well.
I order my bags from here, as they come from United States of America they all have duty taxes, but the great thing is that the duty taxes can be paid along with the products and it is cheaper this way.
Hope I answered all of the questions this way, if you still want to find out more, leave a comment below.
O zi frumoasa va doresc, sper ca in weekend-ul ce a trecut v-ati incarcat bateriile pentru o noua saptamana, pentru ca eu nu am facut nimic in afara de relaxare.
Vreau sa impartasesc cu voi o parte din colectia mea de genti incadrate in noul dressing, care inca nu e chiar gata, dar revin cu poze mai ample cat de curand.
Sa va spun si cateva cuvinte despre aceste gentute, preferatele mele sunt cele semnate de Rebecca Minkoff, care au ajuns deja la numarul 5. Imi plac la nebunie fiecare in parte, sunt lucrate frumos si gandite pentru a fi practice in acelasi timp, spre deosebire de cea semnata Michael Kors care face parte din colectia lui premium si nu ma multumeste deloc. In primul rand bretelele nu au cleme rotative si se blocheaza cu usurinta pe umar si partea si mai proasta e ca are o deschidere larga care nu are nicio posibilitate de a fi incheiata, iar riscul de a o purta pe umar iti apartine.
Cea semnata Zac Posen imi place mult ,singuru lucru care vreau sa-l observ e ca nu o pot purta fara o geanta su un portmoneu mare, pentru ca in interior vine cu un singur buzunar mic pentru monede.
Ca sa inchei si astefel sper ca am atins cam toate raspunsurile la intrebarile voastre, eu mi le comand pe toate din Statele Unite ale Americii, mai precis de aici, iar partea buna e ca acum taxele pot fi achitate odata cu comanda, iar in felul acesta iesim mai ieftin.
Cu drag,
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