I hate cold and windy days and today was one of those, I am also a bit cold and to be honest I don't know how I caught it, but I blame it on weather, due to this sudden cooling. Today I should have stayed in bed with hot tea and some citrus, but I couldn't, I even hit the gym and felt better afterwards.
Excuse my hair situation in today's post but the wind gave me great headaches and my hair was all over my face, I hardly could take some good photos.
The good news is that two days ago the courier left me this amazing grey jean I have been looking all my life, and yes, I found them online on Shein and bought a M size. Great shape and fabric and the length it's perfect. Wore it with a striped shirt, a red lipstick and heels.
Kisses :*
Urasc zilele reci de toamna, exact cum a fost azi, rece si un vant foarte puternic care-lsimtei pana in oase. Sa nu mai spun ca de vreo doua zile ma incearca o raceala care se pare ca nu ma lasa atat de usor, dar am zis ca o rezolv eu cu stat in pat, multe ceaiuri si citrice. Ei cum niciodata planurile nu seamana cu realitatea nu am reusit sa-mi realizez visul :).
Totusi vestea bune e ca luni mi-a sosit un colet pe care-l asteptat ca un copil nerabdator. Imi caut de foarte mult timp si tot de atatea ori am esuat sa-mi gasesc o pereche de jeans gri cu talie inalta si lungime normala pe picior. De data aceasta a fost cu noroc si i-am gasit pe Shein, am luat masura M si sunt perfecti din toate punctee de vedere. I-am imbracat cu o camasa in dungi si tocurile le-am asortat cu rosul de pe buze.
Pupici :*
Totusi vestea bune e ca luni mi-a sosit un colet pe care-l asteptat ca un copil nerabdator. Imi caut de foarte mult timp si tot de atatea ori am esuat sa-mi gasesc o pereche de jeans gri cu talie inalta si lungime normala pe picior. De data aceasta a fost cu noroc si i-am gasit pe Shein, am luat masura M si sunt perfecti din toate punctee de vedere. I-am imbracat cu o camasa in dungi si tocurile le-am asortat cu rosul de pe buze.
Pupici :*
so pretty :-))
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