WAISTCOAT similar , TOP here , SKIRT here , BOOTS here , BAG here , HAT here
Sorry for missing with my outfit pots from the blog, but during the weekend we paid a quick visit to Bucharest to buy some stuff for our house and as much as I wanted to take some photos for the blog the weather condition didn't let me do it. It rain during the weekend and on Sunday when I intended to dedicate a few hours to shoot some new outfits it rain and the wind blew very strong, so strong that I barely stood on my feet.
Well, here I am now with a new outfit post, wearing a '70 s inspired skirt, over the knee grey boots, a black top and waistcoat and to matchy matchy my boots I added a grey hat.
Imi place mult sa visez la unele lucruri si sa-mi fac planuri, dar aproape tot timpul planurile mele se dau peste cap dintrun motiv sau altul. Ei bine, in weekend-ul care a trecut am fost in vizita la Bucuresti pentru a ne cumpara cate ceva pentru casa. Mi-am pregatit frumos bagajele si am pus in ele tinutele alese cu grija pentru a le fotografia pentru postarile de pe blog. Vineri am petrecut-o pe drum, sambata am hoinarit prin magazine, iar duminica pe cand era planificata sedinta foto, vremea ne-a stat in cale, a plouat si a batut un vant atat de puternic ca biata Evelyn abia se tinea pe picioare, da am fost cu copilul la cumparaturi, pe cat de ciudat vi se pare, a fost o experienta minunata pe care o vom repeta cat de curand.
Azi port o fusta de inspiratia anilor '70, o maleta si o vesta cu franjuri negre, cizme peste genunchi si palarie de culoare gri.
Cu drag,
Don't forget to check out Shopbop's last day of sale where you can get these Michael Kors beauties with 25 % less, use INTHEFAM25 code at checkout.
great look! love your boots!
so amazing pics; ]
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Lovely outfit, love the color choices! The skirt makes it!
RăspundețiȘtergereXo Ally