Hello guys, you know from my previous post that we have spent the weekend in Paris, well it wasn't by far the perfect holiday that I intended to have. We arrived in Paris on Friday morning, it was very cold and the wind was blowing very strong. On Saturday morning my mom phoned me to let me know that my daughter got seek and had high fever, you can imagine how desperate I had been. I immediately phoned her pediatrician and asked her to hospitalize my daughter so I could calm down a little, but I have booked a flight to Romania on the next morning so I could be with my little angel. I promised myself that it was the last time I leave her at home. She is safe and sound now and she came back home.
Enough with my problems, a few words about my outfit for today. I wore my new dusty pink coat, which was custom made by a local tailor, along with a striped top, a pair of blue jeans and silver heels.
Kisses :*
I was wearing: custom made coat, Stradivarius jeans, H&M top, Zara bag, Fullah Sugah heels and Topshop sunnies.
Buna dragelor, stiti probabil din postarea anterioara ca urma sa petrecem un sfarsit de saptamana la Paris, dar nu a fost nici pe departe vacanta mult dorita. Am ajuns la Paris vineri dimineata, am prins un timp foarte rece si un vant puternic. Sambata dimineata, am primit un telefon de la mama mea, in care ma anunta ca fetita noastra a facut febra destul de mare; va puteti inchipui stresul prin care treceam si cat de mult imi doream sa fiu langa ea. Am sunat-o de urgenta pe pediatra ei si am rugat-o sa-i faca internarea in spital ca toata lumea sa stea mai linisitita. Oricat a incercat medicul sa ma incurajeze si sa ma linisteasca,a fost in zadar, deoarece a doua zi dimineata eram deja in avion in drum spre casa. Cel mai important e, ca Evelyn e bine si a revenit acasa.
Cateva cuvinte si despre tinuta de azi, e vorba de un palton roz, facut a comanda, pe care l-am purtat impreuna cu un top in dungi, o pereche de jeans si tocuri argintii.
Pupici :*
This look is so classy and chic! Glad to know your lil' one is doing better :-)
u look awesome!
cute!! ;-)))
RăspundețiȘtergerenew post
Love your beautifully elegant coat, its been perfectly styled!
RăspundețiȘtergereYou look amazing :)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
So sorry to hear about your daughter... I totally understand you cause recently my son also got very sick and I was so terrified!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove your coat and shoes, such an amazing pair... looking great as always :-)
hello hun..cute outfit... wanna follow each other? just tell me if u follow me, then i'll follow u back immediatley.
Wow, perfect look!
It was great hearing your thoughts, have a Fabulous Friday!
RăspundețiȘtergerehi there! I'm running a giveaway on my blog and was wondering if you're interested. You get the chance to win either $50 or $30 to spend on OASAP.com! Link here
RăspundețiȘtergereIf you're not interested then please ignore this message. Have a nice day! ♥
Thank you for your comment on my blog!
RăspundețiȘtergereyou are very pretty :) !!I follow you on bloglovin and i'm your follower!!
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this look is absolutely fantastic! xoxo
świetny blog :)
RăspundețiȘtergereobserwujemy? ♥
nice look :)
Wow great shoes.
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WAW amazing coat! you wear it very well!!