luni, 2 noiembrie 2015

Our Halloween in photos

  Hello my friends, I intended to post this photos on Saturday, but I didn't post anything on blog or on my media channels this days, due to the tragic event that happened in Romania on Friday night when unfortunately 30 people lost their lives and over 100 people are injured and still fighting for their lives. Let's take a moment and have a pray for their souls and for their families because they need a lot of courage and strength to get over this if it possible.
 About today's post, is a family one, that we made for our little daughter, Evelyn. This event that raises more controversy in Romania then ever is very appreciate by children and as long as my little one is happy I am happy too, no matter what anyone says. We started decorating our backyard and Evelyn put on her witch costume and Olimpiu and I dressed in black to match Eve's outfit. We joked and took some photos for our family album and today I share a few with you. so here it is our Halloween in photos.


  Buna dragi prieteni, am facut aceasta sesiune foto vineri si intentionam sa o postez sambata,dar datorita tragicului eveniment de vineri seara din Colectiv, am decis sa aman postarea pana luni seara.   Mi se rupe sufletul cad vad atat de multa durere in jur, atat fizica cat si emotionala. Sunt si eu mama la randul meu si e inimaginabil ca cineva sa treaca prin asemenea momente. Ma rog pentru sufletele celor ce au murit vineri si pentru cei care azi se lupta pentru viata lor si pentru familiile lor. Dumnezeu sa le ajute sa treaca peste aceasta incercare cumplita, iar pe suletele pierdute Dumnezeu sa le ierte.
  Stiu ca in acest an Halloween a fost un eveniment mai criticat ca oricand, vad statusuri cu oameni care s-au saturat sa mai auda de aceasta sarbatoare si oameni care nu inteleg parintii care-si costumeaza copii. Ei bine, eu va spun ca atat timp cat asta o face fericita pe fetita mea nu ma intereseaza astfel de critici si pareri. Evelyn inca de anul trecut si-a pregatit costumatia, iar vineri am decis sa facem si o sesiune foto. Impreuna cu mic si mare ne-am organizat si am amenajat curtea din spatele casei si ce a iesit vedeti si voi in aceste poze.

Cu drag,

2 comentarii:

  1. Such a cool Halloween post! Awesome photos!

  2. Looks like you had a fun Halloween Great pics!

    Xo Ally
