miercuri, 31 iulie 2013
Cobalt Blue
I found this top at a local store and I loved its color and its texture, it is so light and comfy that I could even sleep with it. I created the outfit starting with this top and I opted to wear a cobalt blue outfit, the only colorful details are the ones that appear on my sandals.
I was wearing: random top, Bershka jeans, Zara sandals, H&M sunnies and Benvenuti bag.
Kisses :*
Am gasit acest top la un magazin din oras si mi-a placut atat de mult culoarea si croiul, sa nu mai zic ca e atat de usor si comod ca as putea si dormi cu el. Am creat intreaga tinuta pornind de la top si am vrut sa merg pe o singura culoare, albastru inchis. Singurele detalii colorate ce apar in tinuta sunt cele de pe sandale.
Pupici :*
luni, 29 iulie 2013
Hope you all had an amazing weekend. Mine was great, I had a very relaxing one.
I promise this is the last post using a white shirt :), but I am in a mood when all I want to wear it's a white shirt along with a skirt, a pair of trousers or jeans or anything else. Now that heat it's back I won't be able to wear a long sleeves shirt anymore. For this time I chose to pair it with a sequin midi skirt and black heels. A simple and yet comfortable outfit, sometimes less is more, right?
I was wearing: H&M shirt and skirt, Fullah Sugah heels.
Kisses :*
Sper ca ati avut parte de un sfarsit de saptamana minuna, eu am avut parte de unul foarte relaxant.
Promit ca asta va fi ultima postare cu camasa alba, dar sunt intr-o faza in care tot ce imi place si vreau sa port este o camas simpla pe care sa o asortez fie la o fusta, fie la o pereche de pantaloni sau jeans sau orice altceva. De aceasta data am ales sa o port la o fusta cu paiete. O tinuta simpla si in acelasi timp comortabila, dar uneori mai putin este mai mult, nu?
Pupici :*
miercuri, 24 iulie 2013
Diffrent shades of green
My new obsession lately: pallovilazo trousers, I find them very comfortable, versatile and easy to wear. About this pair of trousers, what I love most about them it's the print and the mix of colors, from different shades of green, to dark blue and orange. For today I chose to wear them along with a white shirt, green heels and silver bag.
I was wearing: H&M shirt and bracelets, New Yorker trousers, Zara heels and Stradivarius bag and sunnies.
Kisses :*
Se pare ca am facut o noua pasiUne pentru pantaloniI largi cu imprimeu. Mi se par foarte confortabili, versatili si usor de asortat. In privinta acestei perechi, ce-mi place cel mai mult este imprimeul si jocul de culori, de la diferite tonuri de verde, la albastru inchis si putin portocaliu. Pentru azi am ales sa-i port impreuna cu o camasa alba, tocuri de culoare verde si o geanta argintie.
Pupici :*
luni, 22 iulie 2013
Striped gown
How was your weekend my dear ladies? Ours was very busy, we had a wedding on Saturday and we took an important part in it, we were godparents to a beloved young couple.
I was very undecided about the outfit I was going to wear but in the last minute I decided that I needed a striped gown. I didn't find anywhere and didn't have time to search the online stores so it was time to pay a visit to the dressmaker. Imagine that on Friday midnight I was still at the dressmaker working on the final touches. In the end the dress looked very pretty and I was pleased of the final result.
As accessories I used a hand made necklace designed by a friend of mine. Hope you guys like it as much as I did.
I was wearing: designed by me striped dress, handmade necklace, Atmosphere heels.
Kisses :*
Cum v-ati petrecut weekend-ul dragele mele? Noi am avut parte de unul incarcat, plin de emotii si voie buna. Am avut o nunta sambata seara , am fost nasi la un cuplu drag noua.
Am fost foarte indecisa in privinta tinutei vestimentare si am luat decizii in ultimul moment. Am vrut o rochie lunga, cu trena, in dungi, iar cum in magazine nu am gasit un asemenea model am decis ca e timpul sa apelez la un atelier de croitorie. Inchipuiti-va ca vineri pe la miezul noptii inca faceam ultimele retusuri, dar in final a meritat, iar rezultatul a fost pe masura asteptrarilor, rochia a iesit foarte bine.
Ca accesorii am folosit un colier in nuante de alb cu negru, facut manual de o prietena de-a mea. Sper sa va placa si voua.
Pupici :*
joi, 11 iulie 2013
I am not a person that loves black and not in summer, but from time to time a total black outfit it's welcome during summer evenings. I wore a comfy black top along with dark grey jeans and to warm up the whole look I opted for a pair of nude heels along with a red clutch and a pair of red lips :)
I was wearing: H&M top, jeans, jewels and sunnies, Zara heels and Benvenuti clutch.
Kisses :*
Nu sunt deloc adepta negrului si cu atat mai mult nu in timpul verii, dar din cand in cand mai fac cate o exceptie in serile de vara. Am ales un top negru care e foarte comod din cauza croiului, impreuna cu o pereche de jeansi gri inchis, iar pentru a da o nota calda intregii tinute am ales o pereche de tocuri bej, cu un plic rosu si o pereche de buze rosii :).
Pupici :*
marți, 9 iulie 2013
I was in a great hurry this morning so I made this outfit in less then 5 minutes and still got the chance to shoot some photos and show it to you. I wore a pink skirt that I paired with a white shirt and silver flats for a plus of comfort to run some business in the town. Meanwhile I am looking for some fabrics to tailor a dress for a wedding that it's approaching. I have just set my mind on a specific model so I am hoping to find what I am looking for.
I was wearing: New Yorker shirt, Asos skirt, H&M bag, jewels and sunnies, Zara flats.
Kisses :*
Eram in mare graba in aceasta dimineata asa ca m-am imbracat in mai putin de 5 minute si am reusit chiar sa fac si nist fotografii pentru a va arata si voua. Am ales sa imbrac o fusta roz impreuna cu o camasa alba si o pereche de balerini argintii pentru un comfort sporit. Intre timp sunt in cautarea unui material pentru o rochie de nunta. Am in minte modelul perfect dar sper doar sa gasesc tesatura potrivita.
Pupici :*
vineri, 5 iulie 2013
Beaded embroidered shorts
Today I want to show you a new purchase , this shorts with beaded embroidery. I was wondering if I am really going to wear them or just purchase and throw it in my wardrobe. Well yesterday while I was doing some shopping there they were, waiting for me, this time on sale, you can imagine that I bought them right away :) and today I want to show you the outfit I built wearing embroidery shorts along with a white blouse and nude heels. Hope you like it.
I was wearing: H&M top, necklace and bag, New Yorker blouse and Zara heels.
Azi vreau sa va arat noua mea achizitie, e vorba de niste pantaloni scurti brodati cu margele. Ma gandeam de ceva vreme sa-i cumpar dar stateam pe ganduri daca ii voi purta sau ii voi aseza doar frumos in garderoba. Ei bine, ieri in timp ce faceam niste cumparaturi i-am zarit din nou si de aceasta data erau la reducere, va inchipuiti ca nu am mai stat pe ganduri si i-am cumparat pe loc :).
Cum sunt nerabdatoare ca un copil cand vine vorba de ceva nou azi i-am si purtat impreuna cu o camasa alba si o pereche de tocuri de culoare bej.
Pupici :*
miercuri, 3 iulie 2013
Finally good weather it's coming back and we are finally going to enjoy some real summer time and I hope I will can shoot more photos for the upcoming posts.
Almost every afternoon we take Evelyn for a walk and we try to spend as much time as we can with her, either we go for long walks, or we spend time at the playground area. For today I wanted to be as comfy as possible and I opted for a pair of denim shorts along with a sequin top, a waistcoat and a pair of sparkling flats. To add more accent to my outfit I chose a pair of mirror lenses sunnies.
I was wearing: designed by me waistcoat, Dorothy Perkins top, Forever 21 shorts, Zara flats and Stradivarius sunnies.
Kisses :*
Se pare ca vremea buna se intoarce la noi si vom avea parte de ea si de calduroasa vara,iar cu aceasta ocazie sper sa pot face mai multe fotografii pentru urmatoarele postari.
Incercam pe cat putem sa petrecem cat mai mult timp impreuna cu Evelyn, fie ca iesim la o plimbare in fiecare dupa-masa, fie ca mergem la spatiul de joaca pentru copii. In aceasta situatie nu imi doresc altceva decat o tinuta cat mai confortabila, asa ca pentru azi am ales o pereche de pantaloni scurti din denim impreuna cu un top cu paiete, o vesta si o pereche de pantofi argintii. Pentru a adauga si mai mult accent tinutei am ales o pereche de ochelari de soare cu lentile oglinda.
Pupici :*
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