I come with great news, yesterday my husband won the European Title at Armwrestling and we could not be happier for that.
Another good news is that I found some amazing shoes on sale and I could not help myself not to share it with you, imagine that I found some great gladiator sandals at 39 Euro and my favorite Puma sneakers at only 44 Euro, you can be sure these were added to my basket. I made a selection for you, let me know which are your favorites, because my list is not ending :).
Am doua vesti absolut minunate pentru voi, ieri in cadrul Campionatelor Europene de Skandenberg, sotul meu a castigat medalia de aur, o medalie mult muncita si asteptata in palmaresul lui.
Iar a doua veste foarte buna e ca am gasit pantofi de firma la reducere de pana la 70 %, partea proasta e ca, am cam itrat in bugetul familiei la cate perechi mi-am pus in cos, dar cum sa ma abtin cand am gasit o pereche de sandale gladiator la doar 39 Euro si tenisii mei preferati de la Puma la doar 44 Euro. Ma gandessc ca Olimpiu e prea fericit pentru titlul european, ca sa mai observe si soldul cardului :))).
Cu drag,
cool shoes!