Hello my friends and happy weekend, how are you? I caught a nasty cold and I am coughing continuously, hope to get over it soon.
In today's post I am wearing a blue coat from Sheinside along with a pair of dark blue jeans.To complete the look I added a white shirt and a yellow sweater. As I love animal print so much I couldn't help myself not to wear this beautiful pair of heels.
Kisses :*
Ce mai faceti dragilor, eu am prins o raceala si tusesc foarte urat, dar mai nasol tusea asta nu-mi da pace noaptea, iar ziua sunt ca un zomby, sper sa-mi revin cat de repede.
In postarea de azi am purtat paltonul albastru de la Sheinside cu o pereche de blugi. Pentru a completa tinuta am adaugat o camasa alba si un pulover mustariu, dar cum marea dragoste pentru animal print nu ia sfarsit, nu puteam sa nu port si acesti pantofi minunati.
Pupici :*
great look! nice colors!
awesome style!! = )))
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