Hello friends, how was your weekend, we decided it was time for a trip to the nearest zoo, so on Sunday we left for Nyiregyhaza , which lies at about 160 km from our hometown. Evelyn was very nice during the road trip and at the zoo too. I was nervous about the road, if she will be patient and won't be carsick, but everything was perfect. Evelyn loved it a lot and she was very happy to see all those animals at one place.
The weather was very hot, over 30 degrees C and I decided to wear a denim dress, some very comfortable sandals and a large bag to be sure I have control on any situation :). I was happy I managed to take these photos, as the zoo was very crowded and it was practically impossible to find a place where to take some photos of your own.
Kisses :*
Buna dragii mei, ce ati facut in weekend, noi ne-am hotarat ca e vremea perfecta pentru a da o plimbare pana la gradina zoologica de la Nyiregyhaza, care e situata la aproximativ 160 km de casa. Aveam emotii mari in ceea ce priveste drumul, daca Evelyn va avea suficienta rabdare si daca nu-i va fi cumva rau pe masina. Dar totul a fost perfect si ea a fost cea mai cuminte fetita.
Vremea a fost foarte calda, undeva la peste 30 de grade C asa ca am decis sa-mi iau o rochita subtire din denim, o pereche de sandale foarte comode si o geanta mare si incapatoare pentru tot felul de urgente :). A fost foarte aglomerat pe toate sectoarele, mi-a fost destul de greu sa fac aceste poze fara sa prind si alte grupuri in spate.
Cand am citit titlul postarii, m-am gandit instantaneu cu ce esti incaltata. In sfarsit, te vad fara tocuri! Dar eleganta si feminina, ca intotdeauna!
RăspundețiȘtergeretare draguta rochita! pup
RăspundețiȘtergereCe ti-a crescut parul! Îmi place mult combinația, dar și mai mult îmi place geanta. Te pup!
RăspundețiȘtergeresuperba tinuta, ador rochita :)
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love the look on you! xoxo
muy guapa, el vestido es muy bonito!!
You look perfect dear! ;)
RăspundețiȘtergereIsa M., Tic Tac Living
Esti o mamica superba, draga mea.