Hello guys, hope you are all doing well. The weather in Romania is more than crazy these days, the white blizzard took control of our country and looks like it won't be leaving soon. In the north part of the country the things look better and I could take some photos on a snowy day.
I decided to go for a pair of white pants and kept it quite simple , a black and white ensemble. I also wore a handmade statement necklace designed by my dear friend, Laura, and off course the red lipstick.
Kisses :*
Buna dragii mei, sper ca sunteti cu totii bine dupa atata zapada si viscol. Se pare ca iarna isi intra cu adevarat in drepturi si daca pana acum parea blanda si primavarateca acum ne arata adevaratul fenomel d iarna cu multa zapada si viscol. Aici, in nordul tarii, lucrurile au luat-o mai usor si ieri am reusit sa fac si cateva poze pe ninsoare.
Am ales sa merg pe o tinuta alb/negru cu detalii aurii si bineinteles nelipsitul ruj rosu.
Pupici :*