Hi guys, I can't believe weekend is here already, I don't know how, but time goes by too fast. My little girl asks me everyday how many nights does she has to sleep until her birthday and I keep telling her that she is getting bigger everyday and mommy gets older :).
My outfit for today is composed by a very pretty skirt, a simple grey sweater and my new favorite boots at the moment. Don't ask if I was cold, because the answer is yes and imagine how people stared at me on the streets, because it's still January:)).
Hello dragilor, nu pot sa cred ca weekend-ul e din nou aici, nu realizez cum trece timpul atat de repede. Evelyn ma intreaba aproape zilnic de cate ori mai trebuie sa doarma pana la ziua ei, iar eu ii spun ca o data cu ziua ei, ea se face mai mare, iar mami "mai batrana" :).
Despre tinuta mea, va spun doar ca da, mi-a fot putin rece la poze si ca oameni se uitau ciudat la mine pe strada, dar nu-mi plac dresurile asa ca daca nu ninge si termometrele indica temperatura cu + nu port. Am imbracat o fustita albastra, un pulover gri si cizmele acestea pe care nu le-as mai scoate din picioare.
Pupici :*