miercuri, 28 august 2013
Playing with layers
Seems like autumn it's almost here, at least this is how the weather looked in the last two days, rainy and chilly, but still hoping for some more summer days. This is the outfit I wore on a day from the last weekend, I chose to pair a dress that I used as a top along with a black skirt, black heels and golden jewels.
I was wearing: Zara skirt and dress worn as top, Fullah Sugah heels, H&M sunnies, bag, rings and necklace and Asos bracelet.
Kisses :*
Se pare ca toamna vrea sa-si intre in drepturi mai repede cel putin asa ne spune vremea din ultimele doua zile, rece si ploioasa si totusi inca mai sper la cateva zile de vara. Pentru azi am sa va arat o tinuta pe care am purat-o in weekend, am folosit o rochie pe post de top, o fusta neagra, tocuri negre si accesorii aurii.
Pupici :*
luni, 26 august 2013
Just a quick hello, hope you had a great weekend guys and I want to wish a perfect week. It's almost midnight and I am still writing on the blog and tomorrow morning a have to run some errands in town so I will try to be short.
This is the outfit I wore yesterday, I tried to be as comfortable as possible and I opted to wear a burgundy pair of jeans along with a striped blouse, a big bag and a nude pair of heels.
I was wearing: H&M jeans, blouse and rings, Benvenuti bad, Zara heels, Topshop sunnies and Asos bracelet.
Doar o scurta povestioara pentru azi, sper ca ati avut parte de un sfarsit de saptamana minunat si va doresc o saptamana perfecta. E aproape miezul noptii si eu inca scriu pe blog, iar maine dimineata am putina treaba prin oras.
Aceasta tinuta am purtat-o ieri, am incercat sa fiu cat de comod cu putinta si am ales sa imbrac o pereche de pantaloni burgundy impreuna cu o bluza in dungi, o geanta incapatoare si o pereche de tocuri in nuanta neutra.
Pupici :*
vineri, 23 august 2013
Silver brogues
Weekend is here again, can't believe summer it's already at the end, I think it was the shortest summer ever, maybe because of the weather conditions we had in Romania or maybe because as we get older it is said that time goes by faster, who knows. I definitely want to enjoy this little time we still have from summer.
Last night my hubby and I had a romantic evening in two, we had dinner in town and enjoyed an entire night just for the two of us :). For yesterday evening I wanted to be comfy so I opted to dress casual, I wore an orange pair of leather pants along with a black shirt and my new loves, silver brogues and a black clutch.
I was wearing: Zara pants (old) and shoes, H&M shirt and clutch and Topshop sunnies.
Kisses :*
Nu pot sa cred ca weekend-ul e din nou aici si mai rau ca vara e pe final, cred ca am avut cea mai scurta vara sau poate zic asta din cauza conditiilor meteo nu tocmai favorabile din Romania sau se spuna ca pe masura ce inaintezi in varsta timpul se scurge mai repede, cine stie. Cu siguranta vreau sa ma mai bucur de vara pe ultima suta de metri.
Aseara am iesit impreuna cu sotul meu pentru a lua cina in oras si ne-am bucurat de o noapte numai a noastra :). Am ales sa ma imbrac comod si am apelat la o perche de pantaloni din piele, pe care i-am purtat impreuna cu o camasa neagra si cu pantofi oxford de culoare arginitie, noua mea obsesie.
Pupici :*
miercuri, 21 august 2013
Hello my lovelies, how are you? All summer long every blog and fashion editorial showed us sever models of jumpsuits, most of them in denim , but I couldn't say I was addicted to any of those until now, that I found the perfect pair, love it's color and texture so much that I don't want to take t off anymore :). For today I chose to create a simple and yet chic outfit wearing a camel jumpsuit along with a grey t-shirt, nude heels and an animal print bag. Hope you guys like it.
I was wearing: Asos jumpsuit, Zara heels, H&M t-shirt, Benvenuti bag and Topshop sunnies.
Kisses :*
Buna dragele mele, ce mai faceti? Toata vara, atat pe blogurile cunoscute cat si in editorialele de moda am vazut salopete, majoritatea din denim. Nu as putea spuna ca m-a atras in mod deosebit vreuna din ele , pana cand am gasit salopeta perfecta, imi place atat de mult culoarea cat si materialul usor din care e confectionata. Pentru azi am ales sa creez o tinuta simpla si chic in acelasi timp , o salopeta camel purtata impreuna cu un tricou gri, tocuri nud si o geanta cu imprimeu. Sper sa va placa.
Pupici :*
luni, 19 august 2013
Wiggle dress
Hope you all had a great weekend or I could say it was a mini holiday as in Romania we had so many days off, we had a few events during this weekend. On Saturday we had a baptism and as usually I didn't know what to wear, but on Friday the courier man showed up at my door with my order ( I ordered a few things from Asos and I thought I will receive them only next week), imagine that I was so surprised and happy at the same time that I even wanted to give him a hug :). For this time I was saved, I received the dress I wanted just on time.
It is about a wiggle dress that I wore it along with my golden sandals and a gold detailed belt. Hope you will like it as much as I did.
I was wearing: Asos dress and bracelet, Fullah Sugah heels, Zara belt, Topshop sunnies and H&M rings.
Kisses :*
Sper ca ati avut parte de un mini concediu minunat, noi am avut cateva evenimente in acest weekend. Sambata am fost invitati la un botez, iar ca de fiecare data marea mea dilemma era ce sa imbrac. Comandasem cateva lucuri de pe Asos dar astepam coletul abia pe saptamana viitoare. Vineri undeva dupa ora 6 a batut curierul la usa cu un pachet de la Asos, nici nu va puteti imagina cat am fost de suprinsa si fericita in acelasi timp. De aceasta data eram salvata, tocmai ce primisem rochia mai mult decat la timp.
E vorba de o rochie pana la genunchi pe care am ales sao port impreuna cu o pereche de sandale aurii si o curea cu dealiu auriu. Sper sa va placa .
Pupici :*
luni, 12 august 2013
Gingham and fuchsia
It's Monday and a new week it's about to begin, I wish you all a great week ahead. I looked through my closet and found this great skirt that I have bought in winter and didn't get the chance to wear it just once, so I thought it was time to dust it off and create an outfit beginning with it. As the weather has chilled a little I could pair it with a dress that I chose to wear as a top, a black clutch and golden accessories. Hope you like it.
I was wearing: New Yorker dress worn as top, Asos skirt, belt and bracelet, H&M sunnies and rings, Fullah Sugah heels and Benvenuti clutch.
Kisses :*
E din nou luni si o noua saptamana e pe cale sa inceapa, va doresc sa aveti parte de una minunata. Cautand prin dulap am descoperit aceasta minunata fusta pe care am achizitionat-o in iarna si nu cred ca am purtat-o mai mult de o data asa ca a sosit momentul sa o scot la plimbare si am creat aceasta tinuta pornind de la ea. Cum ieri se racise putin afara, am putut sa o port impreuna cu o rochie pe care am ales-o ca top, un plic negru si accesorii aurii. Sper sa va placa.
Pupici :*
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