How was your weekend lovelies? We hit the countriside and had a very relaxed one. I have spent some quality time with my sweet family.
I told you in my previous post a little about my diet in pregnancy, but now I want to tell you more about what I eat day by day. I never eat fast food, potatoe chips, cold cuts or drink any kind of soda. I used to drink a lot of coke but gave up a few years ago. I love sweets but I mean cakes not commercial sweets, I think I could live with cakes, pancakes, waffles or chocolate all my life :).
About my outfit it's a very simple and basic one based on dual chrome, black and white. I wore a white skirt along with a black blouse and black and white heels.
I was wearing: H&M blouse, skirt and bag, New look heels and random sunglasses, jewels and bow.
Kisses :*
Cum v-ati petrecut sfarsitul de saptamana dragele mele? Noi am fost plecati la tara si pot spune ca ne-am relaxat si am petrecut clipe minunate in familie.
Va vorbeam putin in postarea anterioara despre dieta mea din timpul sarcinii si ma gandeam sa va spun mai multe despre dieta mea zilnica. Nu mananc niciodata fast food, chipsuri, mezeluri si nu beau suc. Obisnuiam sa beau multa cola, dar am renuntat cu multi ani in urma. Ador dulciurile, nu cele din comert ci prajiturile si ciocolata, cred ca as putea trai cu prajituri, clatite sau ciocolata toata viata :).
Despre tinuta mea va spun ca e una simpla bazata pe alb si negru. Am ales o fusta alba la care am adaugat o bluza neagra si tocuri alb cu negru.
Pupici :*